Thursday, December 3, 2009

Antique Chair

We bought four of these oak chairs about 30 years ago. They were hanging on long, wooden pegs on a wall above head, in a small antique store. They were approximately 80 years old then. I acted like I wasn't overly interested so the store owner would reconsider the price, but my heart was beating fast. I was praying we could afford them. We could! We drove off with them sandwiched this way and that. You'd think we were carrying the crown jewels of England. 

About ten years ago I painted them black. Yes, I did.   After finding a fleur-de-lis I liked, I hand-painted all four chair backs, plus the other flourish (don't remember the name -- anyone know?).

These old chairs have moved with us several times through these years. Many, many friends and family have sat in them around our tables at holidays, card games, parties.... 
These chairs had history before we bought them, and now they have a long history with us. 
Do you have a piece or set of furniture that has a special history in your family? 


  1. Oh I thought you were going to show us how you changed them and I was going to scream NOOOOO! They are perfect with that Fleur de Lis. You did such a nice job that I would never touch them again. Really nice. And you have a set!

  2. I have two pieces of furniture that hold special places in my heart. The first is an old, very rustic looking handmade library table that I bought at my first estate auction for $25. That was probably 30 - 35 years ago, and it has served many purposes, from desk to work table to now a place in the living room for the huge TV. And, do you know, it looks just perfect in that traditional room with that huge, very modern TV sitting on it!

    The other is my grandmother's cabinet. I don't know where it came from, but I do know she had it in her house as far back as I can remember. It was always an antiqued avocado green, but when I got it I painted it a mustardy color to match my then decor. When I was painting it, I found three holes in one of the doors that were covered over by a piece of duct tape and painted over. They look like bullet holes, but no one knew why they were there, or how long they had been there. This cabinet is now in my kitchen holding cookbooks and stuff I don't have a better place for. I love it!

    Oh, and wait! One more thing! I have my dad's high chair! He would be 79 y/o now, and his parents bought it new for him when he was a baby. It's raw wood now, worn smooth with time, and has a tiny seat with no tray. I guess back then they just pushed them up to the table.

    Great topic, Becky G.

  3. Almost every piece of furniture in our home has history and I love it that way. They each have their own story to tell.
    Blessings, andrea

  4. It has taken me decades to cork my enthusiasm at antique shops and flea markets....just ask my husband
    I think the chairs are darling painted black with the gold stenciling

    You have a good eye

  5. Hi Janean, I love your chair and the painting you did looks as if it had been original to them! You do beautiful work.
    My special piece is a small rocking horse my father made for me as a toddler; it's about 40 years old now. Both my sister and I used it; all 3 of my children have used it and all 4 nieces and nephews. I just love family heirlooms.
    Take care ~ Rebecca

  6. Suz, i actually didn't use a stencil because i've never had the technique down-pat. i free-handed the fleur de lis and other design (whatever it's called)using a light gray chalk pencil first, then painted them.

  7. What absolutely beautiful furniture! Wow, a true treasure. I love how it has all the history with it.

  8. Love your post! whilst we do not have any furniture that can be considered old, we do have thrift store furniture, but the best think is our pool table. My husbands best mate was going to to the tip to get rid of some junk when he spied a pool table top, he took it home, added some legs and gave it to my husband. It is a lovely size, though not really good for pool, cos it has a slight slant and no bounce in the edges it is however very handy for me as a craft table, Just the right height to use when standing up and plenty of space.

  9. Oh my word I first thought you were fixing to show us a before and after where you covered those gorgeous chairs up with another paint color! lol lol I was about to faint....cause the minute I saw them I gasp and thought how beautiful they were! lol I love what you did to them and all the history they came with and all the history you and your family have added to them..I have several pieces of old furniture they have much family history to them..just junk to others but treasures to me! Hope all is well with you and yours and that you have a Merry Christmas! ~Picket~

  10. You did a great paint job on them! I love things that have a meaning or history. My son was talking one day about what he would do with some things I have when I was gone and I told him that he needed to know what meaning they had to me before he started just chunking. I had bought some crystal candlesticks when I was in Germany and those were the things he was talking about. When I told him where I got them, he decided he might ought to ask some questions first! Most everything in my home has some kind of meaning. Hang on to the chairs and pass them down!

  11. Hi there..thanks for the visit to my blog... I think your blog is so nice, filled with lovely things to do and see! Come say hi any time! :D

  12. those chairs are great, they look as old as Marie Antoinette. Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment... I have felt kinda invisible lately. I leave 3 or four comments for every one I get... is that the norm? I guess I must be boring people and I need to vamp up my blog or something. I'm confused. Any way you are a breathe of fresh air!
    Thanks again... if you ever want to sell those chairs....

  13. I love the chairs! I have had a thing for black furniture for a long time too!
    These are amazing!
    I am so.. glad you stopped by today! I love meeting new friends here in blogland

  14. Hi, Janean!

    Love your chairs. You did a good job with the painted fleur-de-lis and other flourishes, and I just read that you free-handed them. WOW!

    To answer your question, yes, I have a lot of things I love that belonged to both my family and my husband's, some dating back a number of generations. I've got several beds I inherited that are quite old (1800's) and a chair that dates to about 1850 along with a game table with a cribbage board embossed in the top that have been passed down through my family. But my favorite things, even more than furniture, are portraits and letters, and we've inherited some from both my husband's family and mine. I love art and history, so these are wonderful to me. I'm a sentimental girl! :-)



  15. I love the painted chair. It would feel right at home at my house too. Thanks for sharing

  16. Hi Janean. I just came by to visit and to thank you for kindly visiting and commenting on my cloche display. It really meant a lot to me.

    I love your blog too and loved your post on Egg nog. I hadn't had it until a trip to the USA where we attended a Tom and Jerry party and I became an eggnog fan! I am hoping to make some this year for Christmas.

    Thanks again and best wishes, Natasha.

  17. Such a beautiful job ~ they look like an original find! ~ Angela

  18. Just lovely! I love the color and the Fleur delis..really beautiful job! Andrea
    p.s. had to chuckle when you said you didn't want to act too excited when you saw the chairs but were jumping with joy inside! I've been there many times myself! :)

  19. Now I feel like a real painted them! That's too much talent for one woman

  20. and another thing...don't you dare paint that fabulous sideboard!

  21. yikes, Suz, you read my mind! i actually bought it having painting it white in mind. when we got it home i realized it was in such good condition, i left it oak.

    however, in the barn house i planned to paint it white and sanding the highlights to see the wood below. i have time to reconsider! you are a HOOT!

  22. Janean, these chairs are just incredible, what a find. You did a fabulous job of painting them! Love the design and flourishes!


I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~