Saturday, November 7, 2009

Walls, Truly.

Actual walls are going up (shown in the center top tiny photo). Yay!

It's cold. It's windy. We're so tired, but the wood siding is going up and we're encouraged.

True, each piece has to be cut according to the four foot level instead of simple measurements because of the crazy multi-directional slopes of this crooked little carport.
True, the siding is very heavy and awkward to hold level with the previous piece of siding.
True, I didn't get to paint the siding before I put it up like I planned.
True, it didn't fit under the metal roof until I took out all the self-tapping sheet metal screws.
True, we now have a noisy, floppy, flapping-in-the-brisk-wind metal roof.
True, the neighbors saw more of my blue-jeaned rear end than my arm chair! But it's progress. Hallelujah!

Walls make boring photos, so I added "Mr. Scarecrow," pumpkins and the mums that are on our front porch. 

It's been a long, messy day...


  1. building is hard work. Hope you have a nice weekend and some time to rest. Bye, Karin

  2. YAY for progress!!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Janean, I LOVED your comment so much I just had to visit and say thank you. My Premiere is today and I am happy to say...I am ready!! Time to move, I'll stop by again soon. Hugs, Lori

  4. I couldn't see the photo of the "walls", but I love your fall decorations!!
    And the neighbor having a rear-view was hilarious!!!

    I agree, Brown is a precious name for a little boy.


  5. Thankyou for coming by and wishing me a happy bday. Looks like you've got quite the project going. We built a shed this summer and it was a bigger job than I thought it would be. I'll be back when I have a few minutes. Mimi

  6. Work we start around here is never what we think it will always takes longer, it always uses more material than we planned for, and it always cost more!!! But the end results are nearly always something we love!

  7. I look forward to seeing the finished product!!!

  8. YAY for those walls. It is a slow process but will be so worth it!

    LOVE your beautiful fall decorations!

  9. Fun, fun to follow you project. Good work. I always love the photos you post.

    Have a great weekend.

  10. Best of luck with this project...I know the hard work it takes...

  11. Janean - thanks so much for your comment on my blog. I am really looking forward to my 'experience' on Monday. Wow your ancestors are from Wales - any idea where?

  12. Hi Janean,

    Thank you so much for your sweet comments! I am sorry I didn't reply earlier, but we had some friends for dinner and I wanted to make something special. I enjoyed reading your blog and looking at the beautiful pictures and collages! It must be quite a job to make a new workroom. I saw on your pictures that you already had some frost. That doesn't make it any easier (but love the collage).

    You asked if our garden is far away from our home. It's very nearby, only 8 minutes on our bicycle. We live in a big 1930s appartment nearby the Zoo in Rotterdam, but unfortunately have no garden. We have some balconies & a roof garden where we can sit, but I always missed a real garden. Two years ago, quite by accident (right place, right time) we were able to take over this garden. We decided in one Minute :) and have never regretted it. For all of us, we are with five, it is a place to relax, use our creativity and invite family and friends to. We always look forward going there, it just feels good. I look forward to reading more about you! Enjoy your sunday!!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  13. It will be so nice when it's all done. I'd love to enclose our back patio. You're making me think....

  14. I know it must be hard right now when you are having to work so hard but it is good to see you still have your sense of humor and just think how nice the end will be and how fun to share the awesome pictures with all of us in blogger land. Looking forward to it.

  15. Just wanted to let you know how very much I enjoyed my first visit to Sweetwater Cottage. I looked through several pages and will be back soon to get caught up. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment so I could have the pleasure of meeting you and discovering your wonderful site.

  16. Looks like your in the midst of some "homework"...I'm up to my neck in paint and dust over here too...but I just love it!

  17. this is the first time i have been to your blog and i love it already. Looking forward to going over the older posts too. I love your values too.

  18. Great and it sounds like a lot of progress has been made.
    I love your Fall decorations.

    Happy weekend and good luck with the building.


  19. I am checking in to see where you are with the project -- um -- your getting closer ?? Wink! Beautiful photos.
    Kristeen (The Gough Inn)

  20. Hi ,your blog is so lovely,tank you for passing and leaving you sweet comment to my post.
    Happy weekend and don't work too hard!!!

  21. I love the decorations. They are super nice!

    Good luck with the building! Wish you the best.

  22. wow! what a project! Love the scarecrow - very cute!!
    Thanks so much for visiting me and leaving lovely comments - I'll be back!! :-)


I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~