Monday, September 7, 2009

Living With Light

I found a couple of books you have probably read already, "Living With Light" and "Living With White."
I found myself sighing out loud as I turned the pages.
It was so relaxing to see photos of WHITE and LIGHT.
A new friend asked my advice on what to do with her old wood parquet floors because I used to have my own interior design business.
"Paint them white!" I said immediately knowing she was a lover of vintage. "White?" she squinted. "White? Paint my floors.....white....I may give it a try," she said.
A few weeks later when she completed the task. She showed me a photo and exclaimed, "I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my white parquet floors! Now I'm redoing everything."


  1. White just never gets old. I never tire of it! It's so easy to build around - and always looks fresh and new! I heart white.

  2. White makes me feel like you can breathe.


I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~