Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Smaller? Really?

I've been on the "downsize" soapbox for quite a while. My husband is starting to embrace it.
Last night he went to our basement to straighten it up. When he called me down to take a look I nearly fainted. "What in the world are we going to do with all this?" I asked.
He shrugged and said, "Make a lot of decisions on what to keep & what not to."
I'm usually good at tossing (a little too good sometimes), but through the years I've accumulated some....make that a LOT of beautiful treasures.
I read two sayings somewhere "Keep only the essentials, so the essential can speak" (French idiom) and "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful." by William Morris. I will use these wise words as guidelines. Or eeny...meeny...
Photo: House Beautiful

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I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~