Wednesday, August 5, 2009

linen closet

Okay, confession. I don't just enjoy doing laundry, I also enjoy folding laundry.
In 1970 I began folding our sheets and blankets into neat, compact squares. My best friend asked me for a sheet folding lesson b/c she felt badly about literally throwing her linens into her closet.
For years I didn't tell a lot of people about my slight obsession with having all the smooth towel folds facing outward and folded ends lined up [this went for sheets too]. The larger towels needed to be on the bottom. White towels only.
To be fair, our colored clothes got the same attention.
One day my mom opened my linen closet, shook her head and said, "Your great-aunt Esther had a linen closet like yours. She even took photos of it."
"It's genetic!" I said in awe.
It explained why I enjoyed looking at my organized linen closet. It also may explain why Martha Stewart became an icon. *wink*


  1. Love your blog!
    I'm one of those who'd certainly enjoy an organized linen closet. I just dream of the day when hubby and kids don't throw or cram our neatly folded towels in the

  2. OMG. I thought I was the only bird who stared contentedly into my linen closet! Great blog.

  3. voice of pendergrassAugust 5, 2009 at 7:36 AM

    So, would you donate a few days to help out a linen closet in need? :) I love the look you have, just haven't achieved it yet. :)
    One of my downfalls would be lack of storage space... so NON-linens end up in with my linens. There's a future plan for cabinets installed in the garage for some of these extras, when that happens it will for sure help! but in the mean time, you do have me inspired!!


I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~