Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Knitting Organized

I got the most emails, I believe, from women who wanted to know if I gave lessons on folding sheets and organizing linen closets.
It got me noticing my knit "stash." Everything is lined up according to color, facing the same way.
I just enjoy order, like the stitches on my summer socks.
Each tiny knit stitch is perfect and lined up in a row. (Uh, when you say PER-fect, you have to say it like Martha Stewart).
When we try a challenge, it's a "tall order."
When a meeting begins, it's "called to order."
When things are topsy-turvy, it's "out of order."
I like things systematized, like the old library card files....
Oh, now there's a subject dear to my heart.
I'd SO like to have one of those blonde-colored oak library files. Remember those?


  1. The library card files, oh yes I remember them and loved them too.
    You have a great blog!!! Good job!

  2. Order is a good thing to live by IMHO. As long as it doesn't run your life, it makes everything easier and you're more organized.
    I like your photos.


I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~