Friday, August 21, 2009

Aprons Again

My grandmothers wore aprons every single day of their lives like the one pictured here from Angry Chicken's "Tie One On."
Each morning they would put on a clean dress and a "fresh" apron.
The aprons were always pressed, starched and coordinated with their dress.
I never saw a stained apron, nor one that was tattered. When they got to that pitiful state, they became household rags...or maybe pieces for a quilt.
Every single time I put an apron on, I smile and think of my grandmothers.
It's comforting.
What will my granddaughter put on that will forever remind her of me, I wonder? I'm off to think about that for a while....

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I am so excited you are leaving a sweet comment! Thank you. ~Janean~